Black Bottom Cupcakes 是出自設計師朋友 Sally 的推薦,本來 E 還存疑,不太想把這個小甜點放進烘焙計畫中,還多虧當時的準女婿 P 下班時在 Starbucks 買了一個回來給她試吃後,她這才首肯。
Black Bottom Cupcakes
350 degrees Fah/18 minutes
“Batter” “Cheese Filling”
1 1/2 cups flour 8 oz. cream cheese
1 cup water 1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt 1 egg
1/3 cup oil 1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate morsels
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup cocoa
Combine: “Cheese Filling” crème ingredients add chips last (set aside)
Combine: “Batter” separately mix dry and wet ingredients then combine
Fill: small muffin tins with muffin papers 1/3 full with “Batter”, top with
1/2 teaspoon “Cheese Filling”
Bake: approximately 18 minutes and makes 10 dozen cupcakes![](
Pecan Tartlets
350 degrees Fah/20-25 minutes
“Shell” “Filling”
1 cup flour 1 egg
1 stick of butter 1 teaspoon vanilla
3 oz cream cheese “soft” 3/4 cup light brown sugar
1 tablespoon butter “soft”
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped walnuts size walnuts 1/4”
Combine: “Shell” crème ingredients, dip small ball into powdered sugar flatten to make pie shells for ungreased small tins (make into small flat 3” pancake, then fill tin).
Combine: “Filling” mix ingredients until nuts wet
Fill: small ungreased muffin tins with “Shell” pancakes and fill with “Filling” flat to top.
Bake: approximately 20/25 minutes and makes 1 dozen tarts其實另外我們還做了個不用進烤箱的甜點 -- haystack -- 不過食譜抄得很亂,要另外找一找才行。
對我而言,除了學做新東西、重新進廚房的感覺很好外,偶爾可以把兒子留在家丟給老公照顧,可以免去bulky的尿布包,背個時尚小包出門的滋味 -- 還真是不錯呢。